Argyll and Bute Council and Housing Options
Argyll & Bute Council works in partnership with the 4 main Housing Associations in the local authority area to provide housing options information in Argyll & Bute. The partnership is called Housing Options Made Easy Argyll (HOMEArgyll) and is made up of Argyll & Bute Council, Argyll Community Housing Association(ACHA), Dunbritton Housing Association, Fyne Homes and West Highland Housing Association.
The HOMEArgyll partnership has developed a free, easy to use online Housing Options Self- Assessment Service in order that you can consider the housing options suitable for your situation in Argyll & Bute. The Self- Assessment Service has information on a variety of housing related issues including social renting options, information on the private rented sector, information on where to find help to adapt your current home and also information on energy efficiency measures. Please click here
If you would like support or assistance to complete your on- line assessment please contact Argyll & Bute Council Housing Services on 01546 604 785 or email: Douglas Whyte, click here
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