THE HUB Tayside, Fife and Central Housing Options

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What is the Hub?
Tayside Fife and Central Housing Options Hub is part of a national network set up by the Scottish Government in 2010. The main aim of the Hubs has been to support the development of local Housing Options to improve outcomes for people with housing needs. The Hub members are Angus, Argyll and Bute, Clackmannanshire, Dundee City, Fife, Perth and Kinross and Stirling Councils.

Hub activities have included: service audits, asking people about their experiences of services and stakeholder events.

What is an armchair group?
It is a group of people who are interested in giving their views about the way services are delivered without the need to attend meetings.

What are the issues?
Anything that relates to housing options and homelessness, this includes service standards (what people using services can expect), practical aspects of temporary accommodation, priorities for people using services, staff training

What would I be asked to do?
Group members are invited to take part in different consultation processes about housing options (and homelessness) services. Depending on the method of contact you prefer, you would be emailed/texted/sent a/phoned asked to give your views on. If you have full and regular access to a computer/internet, you could give your views online.

How will I be supported?
After you have joined the group, you will receive a personalised volunteer checklist which the Hub and you will keep up to date to make sure you feel comfortable and confident in taking part in the consultation processes. Once a year you will be asked about what you think you have gained (skills, knowledge, confidence) from being a member of the armchair group.

Are there benefits?
  • Yes! you can gain knowledge about how housing services are delivered
  • Yes! you can gain skills in identifying service improvements
  • Yes! you can increase your confidence about giving your views
  • Yes! you could access personal development opportunities (volunteer/job/training/learning)
  • Yes! you can make new friends
  • Yes! you will receive shopping gift cards for the activities you take part in
  • Yes! you will make a difference to the ways in which services are delivered
How do I get started?
Fill in the form below telling us a bit about yourself and the areas you are interested in.

First Name*

I live in (we do not need your address. Just the city, town or village)*

I would like to be contacted by:*





Have you got a question for the Hub?