Clackmannanshire Councils delivers Housing Options Services for a dedicated facility HOME@CLACKS. HOME@CLACKS is situated with the Council's main offices in Kilncraigs Alloa.
This facility is serviced by trained Housing Options Staff, who will deal with all customers who need access to accommodation, or assistance to maintain their current accommodation.
Customers at this facility will be offered a Personal Housing Plan, and will have immediate access to Money Advice and Housing Support Services.
If people visiting the facility are homeless or threatened with homelessness, they will be assessed under homeless legislation and provided with temporary accommodation if required.
We will also provide assistance to prevent people becoming homeless. This will include information on Private Rented Properties, and access to our Rent Bond Guarantee Scheme.
Private Landlords can advertise their vacant properties in our facility as well as an online system which can be accessed by people looking for accommodation.
Customers can also use our self service facility, to register on our homeswapper system, and look for possible swaps. Our local CHR partner advertises their Choice Based Lettings Properties at HOME@CLACKS and customers can use our self service facility to bid for properties
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