Services Provided Services provided: Information & adve, Mediation, Parenting/family support Information advice & advocacy: Yes Care & Support: Yes Practical assistance:Yes
Other Information Gender: All genders Age Group: 16-24 Other Information: Provides services to a specific client group.
Safe & Sound project
Local Authority Area Search: Dundee Provider/Agency: Relationships Scotland (Safe and Sound project is in partnership with Shelter Scotland) Name of service/project: Safe & Sound project
Address: 21 Dock Street, Dundee Postcode: DD1 3DP Telephone: 0138 220 1343 Website: Main Contact: Amy Lorimer- Safe & Sound Family Mediator Email Service Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs 8.45-5, Fri 8.4512.45
Other Information Gender: All genders Age Group: 16-24 Other Information: Provides services to a specific client group.
The Corner (Drop-in services, peer-led services, outreach services)
Local Authority Area Search: Dundee Provider/Agency: The Corner Name of service/project: The Corner (Drop-in services, peer-led services, outreach services)
Address: Drop in: 13 Shore Terrace, Dundee; Office: 18 Dock Street, Dundee Postcode: DD1 3DN / DD1 3DP Telephone: 01382206060 Website: Email Service Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 09.00-17.00
Services Provided Services provided: Addictions / Health & well-being support
Other Information Gender:n/a Age Group: Other Information:n/a
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