Financial & Welfare Benefit 1 2 3
Define Issue
Establish that the household has financial difficulties
Is this as a result of recent changes to the welfare benefits system
Establish & note the type of debts involved
Council Tax Arrears
Unsecured Debt
Secured Loan
Housing Related Debt
Has this debt impacted on you meeting your housing costs?
Have you received a ‘notice to quit’ or ‘notice of proceedings’ / decree for eviction / repossession / summary cause?
Immediate Referral to Partner Agency
Immediate Risk of Homelessness Search List
Have you previously been at risk of losing your home?
Establish what action was taken & by whom:
  • History of arrears/non payment
  • Broken arrangements to pay
  • Decree for Eviction
  • Legal action
  • Notices to Quit
  • Notice of Proceedings
  • Repossession
  • Summary Cause
Establish what the outcome has been?
Establish if there is any other ‘live’ action?
Have you missed any payments?
Immediate Referral to Partner Services
Financial & Welfare Benefits Search List
For more information on welfare reform changes refer including:
Universal Credit, Bedroom Tax, Personal Independence, Payment etc.
Please refer to www
Household may have more than one type of debt. Please note the different types as different courses of action may be required.
A secured loan is any loan that requires the borrower to provide the lender with some form of security. In the case if secured loans, the security will be the borrower's property, regardless of whether it is mortgaged or owned outright.
Examples include: Rent Arrears, Mortgage Arrears, Housing Benefit Arrears, Repairs Costs Arrears, Maintenance Arrears, Factoring Arrears
Examples include: Credit Cards, Personal Loans, Personal Finance, Store Cards, Higher Purchase
Examples include: Credit Cards, Personal Loans, Personal Finance, Store Cards, Higher Purchase
Even if you have missed one payment you are at serious risk of losing your home
Flag up Homelessness Application