Health & Addiction Issues 1 2 3
Define Issue
You have been told or suspect that the ‘presenting’ issue is: symptomatic of mental health, substance misuse or addiction related issue/problem
Does the customer have the capability to understand what will be discussed at this interview?
Does the person have any sensory impairment or literacy issues that would influence how you communicate with them?
Has the person presenting stated that there is a mental health, addiction or substance misuse issue in household?
Do you suspect there may be a mental health or addiction issue in household?
End: Return to Database Agency Search Facility
Refer to adult protection procedures
Follow agency procedures and discuss individual circumstances
Mental health related issue / problem
Addiction related issue / problem
Establish & Note who has the Mental Health / Addiction Issue:
  • Household Member
  • Person Presenting
  • Someone Outwith Household
Do they or have they ever had a diagnosis for this problem?
This will allow you to indentify whether written communication is appropriate for the household and also whether or not other agencies may have been contacting them by letter that they have been incapable of understanding or responding to.
Mental Health:
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Psychiatric / Psychological disorders
  • Acquired Brain Injury
  • Alcohol Related Brain Damage
  • Drugs (Prescription / Illegal)
  • Alcohol
  • Nicotine
  • Gambling
In order to assess whether an addiction or mental health issue places the person at risk of losing their home:

1. Ask sensitive open ended questions which build up trust and encourage dialogue e.g. 'is this the first time you have experienced this issue?'; 'has this issue created problems for you?'; 'how does this make you feel?';

2. Acknowledge the stress or anxiety the person may be feeling e.g. 'this must be difficult for you'; 'I can see how that would be stressful for you';

3. Reassure the person that help is available if they want/need it e.g. 'you've done the right thing by approaching someone for help'; 'we can work together to resolve this problem'; 'there are various options available that will help us to address this problem'