Services Provided Services provided: Advocacy in Fife provides advocacy to support people to express their views. We assist people aged 16 or over and living in Fife with mental health issues, learning disability, personality disorder, physical impairment acquired brain injury, dementia, autism and chronic illness. They also provide support for children under 16 years who are subject to compulsory measures under the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. Accommodation provider: No Information advice & advocacy: Yes Care & Support: Yes Health & wellbeing: Yes
Other Information Gender: Any Age Group: All Age Groups Other Information: Circles Network has provided person centred, individual and collective advocacy across the UK since our inception in 1994. We have developed dedicated advocacy services in a number of locations across Scotland where we specialise in providing independent, professional, issue based advocacy. Circles of Support, a form of advocacy we are perhaps best known for, is also practised throughout the whole organisation.
Citizens Advice and Rights Fife
Local Authority Area Search: Fife Council Provider/Agency: Citizens Advice and Rights Fife Name of service/project: Citizens Advice and Rights Fife
Address: Various office locations - St Andrews, Cupar, Leven, Glenrothes, Kirkcaldy, Cowdenbeath, Dunfermline Telephone: 03451400095 (General Advice) / 03451400094 (Debt Advice Line) / 03451400092 (Welfare Reform Advice Line) Website: Service Opening Hours: Online self-help advice service via website 24/7. Office hours differ by location
Services Provided Services provided: Free confidential, independent and impartial advice; pre-arranged and drop-in appointments. Accommodation provider: No Information advice & advocacy: Information, Advice and Advocacy Care & Support: Refer to other providers Education, training & employment: Refer to other providers Health & wellbeing: Refer to other providers Practical assistance:Information & advice, Legal advice / advocacy services, Budgeting/financial management, assisting in appeals, form completion.
Other Information Gender: All genders Age Group: All Age Groups Other Information: All CARF offices in Fife are for use by Fife residents only. Any resident of Fife is entitled to use any CARF office. MacMillan Service available for those affected by cancer: 03451400091. Text service for deaf community: 07872677904. British Sign Language interpretation available via online service
Dunfermline Advice Hub
Local Authority Area Search: Fife Provider/Agency: Dunfermline Advice Hub Name of service/project: Dunfermline Advice Hub
Services Provided Services provided: We work in partnership with different organisations, to deliver services for the Dunfermline Community. We can help you to access support for a variety of issues, such as food, benefits, savings, loans, legal, clothing, furniture, housing, debt, volunteering, heating, finding a job, substance misuse and recovery, and much more. Partners deliver drop-in advice sessions on specific subjects, giving you instant access to specialist help. We also provide public access to computers and phones. Accommodation provider: No Information advice & advocacy: Yes Care & Support: Yes Education, training & employment: Yes Health & wellbeing: Yes Practical assistance:Yes
Other Information Gender: All Age Group: 16+ Other Information: A calendar is available on our website that shows who’s delivering what services and when. The services we work with include, but aren’t limited to, The Well, Fife Migrants Forum, Fife Law Centre, ADAPT, Fife Gingerbread and Fife ETC. We also host a Community Job Club, and Digital Skills classes are available.
Fife Law Centre
Local Authority Area Search: Fife Provider/Agency: Fife Law Centre Name of service/project: Fife Law Centre
Services Provided Services provided: We are a registered charity. We offer a range of advice and representation for those who have difficulty accessing legal services because of mental health problems or disability, among others, or cannot afford mainstream legal services due to financial circumstances, or because other solicitors are unable to deal with their problems. We can assist you if you have mortgage or rent arrears and are threatened by eviction, or if you have complex welfare benefits issues such as Upper Tribunal appeal. Accommodation provider: No Information advice & advocacy: Yes Practical assistance:Yes
Other Information Gender: All Age Group: 16+ Other Information: We can only assist people who reside in Fife. We can also provide assistance with adults with incapacity, child law, criminal injuries compensation, rights for refugees and migrants, persons in insecure immigration situation and other miscellaneous issues. This work is taken on at the discretion of the Principal Solicitor.
Shelter Scotland
Local Authority Area Search: National Provider/Agency: Shelter Scotland Name of service/project: Shelter Scotland
Address: Online and telephone services Telephone: 0808 800 4444 Website: Service Opening Hours: Online housing advice available via website 24/7. Online chat service also available. Housing Advice phone line operates Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm
Services Provided Services provided: Shelter Scotland cannot house you, but we can give confidential help to people with all kinds of housing problems. We do this by giving advice, information and advocacy to people in housing need. Our Housing Law Service provides free legal advice to help people with housing issues across Scotland. Accommodation provider: No Information advice & advocacy: Yes Practical assistance:Yes
Other Information Gender: All Age Group: 16+ Other Information: Shelter Scotland is a charity that works to alleviate the distress caused by homelessness and bad housing, and we campaign for lasting political change to end the housing crisis for good. At Shelter Scotland we don’t provide houses, but we do provide answers. From homelessness to home owner, we’ve housing advice for everyone. We are an OSCR Registered Charity.
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